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frequently asked questions

Sometimes a lot of people ask me the same questions, so I decided to answer some of the most common ones. I just had to write something in this text box, you all know what FAQs are. If your question isn't answered here, get in touch!






How old are you

A lady never reveals her age. Jokes. I'm 22. No Taylor Swift references, please. There's really nothing else I can say to answer this question.



How long have you been sexually active?


Since I was fifteen, with a few breaks here and there. But for all intents and purposes about seven years now, give or take a few months.

How Many Sexual partners have you had?

There are four people in the world who know my number (myself included). And we will all take that information to the grave. Honestly it's one of those things how my number doesn't really factor in to who I am or what I do, it just so happens to be a composite of my previous experiences. But people always get antsy and judgmental so I choose to not divulge that information. Take a wild guess! Maybe one day I'll have a poll and whoever guesses closest wins something. Like a vibrator. Or a giant box  of condoms. Who knows! The possibilities are endless.



Can i see a picture of you?


Unfortunately, no. I'm actually a ghost and our ectoplasm doesn't get picked up by flash photography.


are you hot?

I can't really be the judge of that. Some people might find me attractive, I suppose. I find myself attractive, but that's because I like me as a human. I think I'm pretty cool. This is a weird question, let's not talk about it anymore.



are you ugly?

Again, not really sure. I bet some people find me repulsive. Beauty really is a subjective interpretation. I can't honestly answer this question. You might think I'm the next supermodel, or you might think I look like a tadpole who has done a little too much meth back in the day. Who knows.



how true are all of your stories?


I try to stay as accurate as possible. For the sake of anonymity I don't like to use names or places or exact dates, but for the most part everything I write has happened to me or someone I know. No point in writing about real life if it hasn't actually happened.


I know who you are!

Great! Feel free to get in touch! I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't plaster it all over the interwebs because I have a day job and a life that I would like to remain separate from my Gemma escapades, but I love hearing from old friends/acquaintances/people from past lives/strangers from high school who still creep on me.



I know that I am referenced in one of your posts!

Good for you! If you feel like it isn't anonymous enough or you'd like me to take it down, get in touch and I'll either rework it or delete it. I don't want anyone to feel uncomfortable with what goes up here. However, there better be a damn good reason. Like "I'm running for Congress and I can't have anything incriminating about me online." I'm not sure that anyone I've slept with would ever be running for Congress, but life has a funny way of surprising you.



Your parents must be so disappointed in you.

Actually, my parents are really proud of the person I've become and everything I've done with my life so far. Believe it or not, I don't just have wild sexcapades all day and then blog about them. I have other interests and hobbies, and my family loves me very much so no, they are not disappointed in me. But I bet your parents are disappointed in you for being such a rude, judgmental little creature.



What do your boyfriends say about your blog?

They're pretty cool about it. I was qausi-ish-semi-sort-of seeing someone when I started the blog and he was over the moon supportive (he was a big feminist, I was pretty bummed he wasn't that great in bed and it didn't work out). The guy I'm seeing now is very supportive of it. Honestly he and I are so sexually expressive he wasn't that surprised when I told him about the blog. He only asked that I refer to him as "Nighthawk." Not sure if that should have been a red flag or a sign that I should marry him. Still trying to figure that one out.



How often do you have sex?

It depends. If I'm seeing someone, pretty much every day. If I'm not, it depends on how busy I am. If I can make the time to go out and meet someone, maybe once every couple of weeks. If I can't, I can go months at a time without having sex. It really just depends on how busy my life is with other things. I don't necessarily write a new article each time I sleep with someone new. Often times I'm drawing on old experiences with the same people, or general topics that my friends and I discuss over boozy brunch. The inspiration for my articles doesn't always come from my personal sex life.



What is your favourite colour?

Sea foam green. Some days it's sky blue. Other times it's red. But those are my top three.



why do you spell things the british way?

I read a lot of British authors as a child and I just got used to spelling things that way. No, I'm not pretentious. No, I'm not from the UK. If it bothers you that much don't read my blog.



I have a great idea for a blog post!

Great! I do get a lot of these submissions, though, so don't be offended if I don't write about your topic, or if I do and don't credit you with it. Chances are another reader, one of my friends, or I had that idea too. I'll have the occasional poll asking if there is anything specific you guys would like me to write about.



Will you have sex with me?

I'm flattered, but probably not. A premeditated one night stand is one of the least appealing things on the face of this green Earth. But thank you!



what's the weirdest place you've had sex?

This isn't the weirdest place, but anyone who has been to Notre Dame will understand: the press box at the football stadium. It's all glass on the side that overlooks the field, and you're a bajillion stories in the air, and it just felt really incredible. It was also pretty dangerous because if you get caught having sex at Notre Dame you get expelled so, you know, I felt like a little rebel.



i bet you're a big whore.

And I bet that you're not a nice person, but that's neither here nor there. Some people probably think I am. But that's their issue. I'm happy and healthy and that's all that matters to me and the people who care about me.



will you promote my blog/product/me in your posts?

I get this one a lot. No. I can, but I won't, and here's why: this blog is about creating a safe space to talk about sex, not weight loss pills or a fancy schmancy diet craze. You can tell me about it, and if I'm personally interested I'll look into it (dessert recipes are something I will ALWAYS be personally interested in), but I can't promote it on my blog. Sowwee.



can i quote you?

Absolutely. Just use proper citation. Don't be a jerk. Don't quote me out of context. You know the drill.


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